Global Financial Capital of New York — Seven Projects in Favor of Life on Earth

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October 28, 2008 Press Conference: Global Financial Capital of New York
Announces $1 Billion Bailout Plan 
August 2, 2007 Preventing Disease, Promoting Health, and Reducing Costs:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Health Care 
July 31, 2007 Developing the Total Brain and Optimizing Academic
Outcomes: A Unified Field-Based Approach to Education 
July 27, 2007 Invincible America Assembly 1 Year Review 
July 24, 2007 Achieving National Security and Invincibility:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Defense 
July 19, 2007 Eliminating Poverty: A Unified Field-Based Approach to
Unlocking National Creativity and Productivity 
July 17, 2007 Building Fortune-Creating Homes and Workplaces:
A Unified Field Based Approach to Architecture 
July 12, 2007 Producing Healthy Food for the Whole Population:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Organic Agriculture 
July 10, 2007 Preventing Disease, Promoting Health, and Reducing Costs:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Health Care 
July 6, 2007 Developing the Total Brain and Optimizing Academic
Outcomes: A Unified Field-Based Approach to Education 
June 26, 2007 Creating Prevention-Oriented, Problem-Free Government:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Administration 
June 21, 2007 Achieving National Security and Invincibility:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Defense 
June 19, 2007 Eliminating Poverty: A Unified Field-Based Approach to
Unlocking National Creativity and Productivity 
June 15, 2007 Building Fortune-Creating Homes and Workplaces:
A Unified Field Based Approach to Architecture 
June 13, 2007 Producing Healthy Food for the Whole Population:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Organic Agriculture 
June 8, 2007 Preventing Disease, Promoting Health, and Reducing Costs:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Health Care 
June 5, 2007 Developing the Total Brain and Optimizing Academic
Outcomes: A Unified Field-Based Approach to Education 
June 1, 2007 Creating Prevention-Oriented, Problem-Free Government:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Administration 
May 30, 2007 Achieving National Security and Invincibility:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Defense 
May 22, 2007 Eliminating Poverty: A Unified Field-Based Approach to
Unlocking National Creativity and Productivity 
May 17, 2007 Building Fortune-Creating Homes and Workplaces:
A Unified Field Based Approach to Architecture 
May 15, 2007 Producing Healthy Food for the Whole Population:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Organic Agriculture 
May 11, 2007 Preventing Disease, Promoting Health, and Reducing Costs:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Health Care 
May 9, 2007 Developing the Total Brain and Optimizing Academic
Outcomes: A Unified Field-Based Approach to Education 
May 7, 2007 Creating Prevention-Oriented, Problem-Free Government:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Administration 
May 2, 2007 Achieving National Security and Invincibility:
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Defense 
April 30, 2007 Steps of Implementation 
April 20, 2007 Producing Healthy Food for the World 
April 18, 2007 A New Science of Prevention 
April 16, 2007 Education for Enlightenment 
April 13, 2007 Reconstructing the World 
April 11, 2007 Creating Peace and Invincibility