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For Immediate Release • April 11, 2007

Contact: Steven Yellin


Dr. John Hagelin Offers the UN and Governments a
Proven New Technology to Secure National Invincibility

Calls for Establishing in Every Country a Group of Experts
in the Invincible Defense Technology to
Render Every Nation Impenetrable to Attack

(NEW YORK) The acute political, religious, and ethnic tensions that fuel violence and conflict in the Middle East and around the world can be immediately defused by establishing in every country a small group of highly skilled “peace-creating experts.” The positive, coherent influence created by the group will render the country invincible to attack.

This was the extraordinary message delivered today by Dr. John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and executive director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, to UN ambassadors, government leaders, and the world press.

“This is science—this is not a fanciful dream”

“This is science—this is not a fanciful dream,” Dr. Hagelin declared. “I am speaking of a new approach to national security and invincibility that is based on the latest discoveries of unified quantum field theories, physiology, and neuroscience, and which has been validated by extensive published scientific research. This new scientific approach provides a practical, proven solution to the problems of violence and conflict—and ensures that every government can immediately secure the safety and security of its people.”

Dr. Hagelin’s message was carried live around the world live via global satellite broadcast and Internet webcast from the newly-inaugurated Global Financial Capital of New York, which is located in the historic 70 Broad Street building, one block from the New York Stock Exchange.

(Replays of Dr. Hagelin’s message can be viewed at

Conventional approaches are powerless to safeguard the nation

Dr. Hagelin was blunt in his message, saying that governments have no choice but to look for an effective new approach to national security. “Conventional military approaches are increasingly powerless to protect a nation against terrorist attack, against new destructive technologies, or against missiles with pinpoint accuracy,” Dr. Hagelin said.

“Diplomatic efforts seem equally powerless. In a world divided by deep-seated hostilities and regional tensions, negotiated settlements and ceasefires have brought temporary relief, at best. Paper treaties and discussions among representatives of warring nations are too fragile a basis for lasting peace,” added Dr. Hagelin, who also serves as the Director of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace.

Conventional approaches fail to address the underlying cause of violence

Dr. Hagelin said the reason conventional approaches fail is because they do not address the underlying cause of violence and conflict: they do not relieve the acute political, ethnic, and religious tensions that fuel terrorism and conflict.

Effects of the Invincible Defense Technology

However, Dr. Hagelin said, a group of a few hundred to a few thousand coherence-creating experts in the nation (the number of experts depends upon the population size of the country) practicing the Invincible Defense Technology, which includes the Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying program of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, will immediately:

  • Defuse enmity in a potential adversary, thus preventing the birth of an enemy and the onset of war
  • Create coherent and harmonious national consciousness, strengthening the nation against any potentially disruptive influences from outside or within
  • Create a peaceful and cooperative global environment, conducive to the formation of stable governments and the cessation of hostilities in regional hot spots
  • Ensure lasting peace, security, and economic stability at home, relieving tremendous pressure on governmental departments and institutions charged with public safety and homeland security

The health of the citizens and the invincibility
of the nation hang in the balance

“When a proven technology exists that can immediately prevent conflict, ensure national security, create national prosperity, and promote permanent peace, we must not wait even a single day to implement it. The health, happiness, and well-being of every citizen—and the invincibility of the nation and permanent peace of the entire world—hang in the balance,” Dr. Hagelin said.

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